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HomeTechHow many FPS does PC get?

How many FPS does PC get?

Ever fired up a game, only to be met with jerky movements and leggy visuals? It’s enough to turn even the most epic adventure into a frustrating slideshow. But fear not, fellow gamer! If you understand your fps test pc, you will be able to play your games smoothly and with buttery smoothness. Buckle up, because we’re diving into the world of FPS, exploring what it means, why it matters, and how to test your PC’s true potential.

Why Choose FPS? The Key to Gaming Nirvana

Imagine this: you’re lining up the perfect headshot in a fast-paced online shooter. Every millisecond counts. With a high FPS, your actions translate instantly to the screen, giving you the edge you need to dominate. But it’s not just about competitive games. Even in sprawling RPGs or cinematic adventures, a high FPS creates a more immersive and responsive experience. Think of it like the difference between watching a movie on a blurry VHS tape and a high-definition screen – the details come alive, and you feel truly connected to the world.

Different Strokes for Different Gamers

Before we dive into testing, let’s meet the FPS crew:

30 FPS: The console standard, offering a decent gameplay experience for most casual titles.

60 FPS: Considered the “golden standard” for PC gaming, providing smooth visuals and responsive controls.

120+ FPS: For the competitive edge and buttery-smooth visuals in fast-paced games.

144+ FPS: Ideal for high-refresh-rate monitors, offering incredibly smooth and responsive gameplay for sports and demanding titles.

The Benefits of High FPS

So, why chase those high FPS numbers? Here’s the lowdown:

Enhanced responsiveness: Your actions translate instantly to the screen, giving you a competitive edge and a more immersive experience.

Reduced input lag: Say goodbye to frustrating delays between your button press and the action on screen.

Smoother visuals: No more choppy movements or blurry textures, just pure gaming bliss.

Competitive advantage: In fast-paced games, every frame counts. High FPS can give you the edge you need to dominate the competition.

Ready, Set, Test! How to Measure Your PC’s FPS

Now, let’s put your PC to the test:

Choose your weapon: There are several FPS test PC tools available online and as downloadable software. Popular options include Subgadgets, User Bench, 3DMark, and Heaven Unigine.

Run the test: Select a test that reflects your preferred game genre or graphics settings. Most tools offer various options to customize the test.

Analyze the results: The tool will display your average FPS, minimum FPS, and maximum FPS.

Compare and contrast: Check online benchmarks for similar PC configurations to see how your machine stacks up.

Tips for Boosting FPS

If your FPS isn’t where you want it to be, don’t despair! Here are some tweaks to consider:

Reduce graphics settings: Lowering resolution, anti-aliasing, and other graphical options can significantly improve FPS.

Update drivers: Ensure your graphics card and other drivers are up-to-date for optimal performance.

Optimize your system: Close unnecessary background programs and tweak system settings for better performance.

Consider hardware upgrades: If your hardware is outdated, upgrading your graphics card, CPU, or RAM can significantly boost FPS.


Understanding and optimizing your PC’s FPS can unlock a world of smooth, responsive, and immersive gameplay. By choosing the right FPS target, testing your PC’s capabilities, and implementing some clever tweaks, you can transform your gaming experience from frustrating to fantastic. So, grab your weapon of choice, test your FPS, and prepare to dominate the virtual battlefield (or explore breathtaking landscapes) with the power of smooth, high-performance gaming!


What’s the ideal FPS for me?

It depends on your preferences and the type of games you play. For casual games, 30 FPS might be sufficient. For competitive or fast-paced games, aiming for 60+ FPS is recommended.

My PC meets the recommended specs for a game, but I’m still getting low FPS. What’s wrong?

Several factors can affect FPS, such as outdated drivers, background programs, or hardware limitations. Try optimizing your system and updating drivers before considering hardware upgrades.

Abdullah Jutt
Abdullah Jutt
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