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HomeDigital MarketingProspecting and Remarketing in Digital Marketing

Prospecting and Remarketing in Digital Marketing

The Knockout Punch of Online Advertising

There are two ways to use digital marketing to advance your company, and we’ll go over each of them. We’ll go over two forms of advertising—prospecting and remarketing—and consider how they could complement one another in a comprehensive marketing effort.

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Prospecting is a form of marketing in which you actively seek out new clients who are unfamiliar with your company and its products or services. Visualize a brand-new company that has yet to establish its name in the market and is in need of a means to locate potential customers. Prospect marketing allows even well-established businesses to expand their reach into previously untapped customer demographics.

In the realm of digital marketing, there is a plethora of prospecting opportunities to choose from. Using social media to promote to potential customers is becoming an increasingly popular and cost-efficient tactic. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other social media may be included here, depending on your target audience and the efficacy of their use for your company. We’ll begin by discussing the prospecting applications of these tools.

Methods of Prospecting Equipment

  • Search engine optimization (SEO): ranking well in organic search results is where the actual money is, but getting there can be difficult. Having a high Google page rank for certain search terms can bring in a flood of interested customers. Check out our SEO blog if you want more information on search engine optimization and how to improve your own site’s rankings.
  • Google Ads: You can get quality visitors and potential customers to your site with Google Ads if you’re ready to pay to get a higher ranking in Google’s search results. Visit our Google Ads blog, where you can read more helpful articles like this one for free.
  • Paid social media: marketing is an alternative to search engine optimization (SEO) if you find that your target audience isn’t actively looking for your product or service. You can use social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, as well as any others you believe your target audience may frequent, to get in touch with them.
  • Organic Social: It’s difficult to gain a sizable number of followers on social media without paying for ads, but the rewards can be substantial if you succeed. Discover which social media channels are most appropriate for your target market, create content that will interest and excite them, and expand your network to increase your lead generation efforts.
  • Other Methods: There are a number of different methods, such as influencer marketing, affiliate marketing, email marketing, and so on, that may be used to increase exposure for your website and drive targeted visitors there.

A Probable Case In Point

Let’s pretend we just released a product and are interested in advertising it to a specific demographic; one option would be to use social media to reach out to these people via adverts tailored to their interests. It makes sense to reach out to health-conscious parents when introducing a new nutritious snack for youngsters. All of the above-mentioned resources have methods for reaching specific groups of people based on shared characteristics or specific interests.

After the start of the campaign, it is possible that we may find that we are expending a lot of resources on promotion but not seeing a commensurate increase in conversions. People are considering purchasing the item, and we are successfully directing visitors to the website, but conversion rates are dismally low.


Remarketing refers to the practise of advertising to consumers who have already shown interest in your company. Remarketing to previous website visitors is a prevalent strategy. The Facebook Pixel, once installed on your site, will allow Facebook to track site visitors and add them to a retargeting list. It’s the same with any form of advertising, be it display or even Google Ads. To maximise the results of our prospecting efforts, we need to ensure that the visitors we’ve attracted will return to our site and consider making a purchase.

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Having visited our site, they are at least mildly interested, but they may need more time to consider the purchase, or they may have forgotten about it altogether. Because of their obvious enthusiasm, remarketing campaigns typically provide better results. You’re aiming for a specific subset of people who have shown interest in your brand and website by narrowing your target audience.

Devices for Repeated Advertising and Targeting

Marketing with Google: Google Ads is most often associated with its search advertising features, but it also offers excellent remarketing potential. Google Adverts’ remarketing lists allow you to track users who have visited your site and then display relevant ads to them while they browse the web. To succeed, you’ll need to make captivating advertisements and employ pinpoint targeting. In order to ensure that you are reaching different subsets of visitors with the most effective ad, you should create as many remarketing lists as necessary. If your company sells a variety of products, you may want to show an ad for the specific item the customer is currently considering.

Paid social media: much like Google AdWords, you may target previous site visitors with display advertisements by segmenting your audience based on their online behaviour. Whereas your Google Advertisements would appear on a wide variety of sites, your social media ads would only appear on that network’s users’ feeds. There are advantages and disadvantages to this, and depending on your goals, you could argue that social media advertising is more or less effective than Google’s display advertising.

Email Marketing: While this remarketing strategy is likely to be the most cost-effective and productive, it is also the most difficult to implement. You’ll need a system in place to gather email addresses from site visitors if you intend to use email for remarketing. To collect email addresses for use in email marketing, you can distribute free resources like guidelines and samples. Though it’s free and should convert well relative to other channels, email marketing requires some ingenuity to obtain a large number of emails from site visitors.

An Effective Combination of Forces

We’ve discussed prospecting and remarketing separately, but it’s the combination of the two that really makes marketing effective. Down the case of our new healthy kids’ snack, for instance, we may use a broad prospecting strategy to drum up initial interest, and then narrow in on the most promising leads through remarketing efforts. The results of our prospecting efforts can be amplified with the help of remarketing, and the size of our remarketing lists can be expanded by continued prospecting efforts. If done properly, they complement one another. The analogy of fishing can be useful when thinking about marketing. You fish for potential customers by putting out feelers, or prospect marketing, and then you bring them in with a remarketing plan.

Abdullah Jutt
Abdullah Jutt
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